Who we are

EasternGate is a quite small music label which is founded by Yannis Saoulis in order to create, publish and promote his own music and the music of a group of friends. Its predecessor was a small production company called IAN Productions based in the Netherlands from 1991 till 1997.

Since 1998 EG moved its activities to diverse places. From Thessaloniki (Greece), Istanbul (Turkey) up to Cyprus. During this last period EasternGate offered – and still offers – to this “gang” of artists a small tribune in order to present their own music creations through music productions, publishing, concerts and workshops.

Its main aim is to present to a broader global audience another (but not the only one) “entrance” to Eastern part of the Hellenic music culture.

EasternGate is involved during the last 16 years direct or indirect in projects concerning ancient, traditional and conteporary Hellenic music but also music which is the one or the other way related to Hellenic culture.